Morenish BESS

Our proposal

Opdenergy is working to install an up to 49.4MW Battery Electricity Storage System on land west of Tir Artair, Killin FK21 8TX. The BESS would be connected to the 132kV existing subestation, at about 2.5km to the west from the proposed site, at Killin – and operated by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN). The connection from the site to the existing subestation will be by an underground cable.

The BESS is necessary infrastructure to mitigate the intermittency of renewable energy, by storing excess energy when projects generate more than needed and releasing it when demand exceeds generation. This allows for a more stable and reliable electricity supply, reducing the reliance on fossil fuel-based backup power for over 30 years. This facility will be a small part of the climate change solution contributing to the UK Government’s target to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.

As part of the community consultation, the Applicant is committed to ensuring appropriate engagement with the local community regarding their intention to submit, and the progress of the Application for the Proposed Development. Three members of the project team will attend a Public Consultation Event with the Community on 24nd  April 2024 at the McLaren village Hall, Killin informing of the project and will be hosting a second public consultation event later this year. The public consultation event followed a drop-in format between 2:30pm and 6:30pm at which members of the public can ask representatives of the project team any questions they have regarding the Proposed Development.


MORENISH BESS - Public Exhibition Boards

Necessary infrastructure to mitigate the intermitent Renewable energy generators.

49.4MW of Electricity Storage over 30 years.


Approx 1.6 hectares of land.


Where is the Site?

The proposed site is inside the red outline on the map, within the administrative area of Perth and Kinross Council. At the southwest of Loch Tay and 3km from Killin town, which is the nearest settelment.

About opdenergy

Opdenergy is an international group specialising in energy assets production, managing all its phases: development, financing, construction, operation and maintenance. With 807MWp installed capacity and a massive 8GW pipeline with financing agreements with some of Europes largest banks and pension funds, Opdenergy has become an international Tier 1 Independent Power Producer. We have nine years of experience of developing solar PV and BESS projects in the UK and a global presence across Europe, North, Central and South America America.

Why are Battery Storage Electricity Systems Important?

The BESS is necessary infrastructure to mitigate the intermittency of renewable energy, by storing excess energy when projects generate more than needed and releasing it when demand exceeds generation. This allows for a more stable and reliable electricity supply, reducing the reliance on fossil fuel-based backup power for over 25 years. This facility will be a small part of the climate change solution contributing to the UK Government’s target to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.

BESS require little maintenance and if the site is well selected are also unobtrusive. This device will allow more green energy generation to be fed into the grid through improving the balacing on the grid. Every kilowatt counts toward zero-carbon 2050; this is why we encourage you to support the Planning Application for this BESS.

The Governments target?

Global warming is everyone’s concern, and we all need to drastically change our way of life to reduce emissions and deforestation, we all have to work together. The governments of European Countries’ s are taking action since signing the Paris Climate Change Accord in 2015.

The UK National Infrastructure Committee’s target is 65% renewable energy by 2030. Fortunately, the latest environmental statistics comes with great news, fossil fuels use is declining year by year, but we still have a long way to go 40GW between now and 2030.

Why Here?

Morenish has been chosen because there is a need and free capacity to allow this amount of Battery Storage connection to the grid in this area. It is also outside of the following list of sensitivities restrictions: flood risk, SSSI, national parks, AONB, heritage sensitive buildings, footpaths, other archaeological sites and away from residential areas.

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